Visual diary

along with my triptych of artworks, i have also purchased a diary which has brownish-recycled-like paper in which i will do several drawings prodominantly in charcoal. i have so far made sketches in pencil in most of the pages. i will also include several text in many of the pages to further validate my artworks and also to further emphasise my concept. within the diary i am drawing not only several appropriated images of bill hensons work but also several drawings of images which may resonate with childhood and adolescence.

the diary which i have purchased is really ideal for my concept. it is very cheap-looking and quirky which is why i purposely chose it as it ties in with my concept of childhood and its playful attributes. i want my artworks to be perfect in the sense that they arent perfect i.e. nothing and nobody is perfect and so i want to represent that through my artworks, which is part of the reason why my visual diary is very cheap and quirky and which is also why i have chosen to make abstract artworks as i enjoy the simplicity and innocence behind the mentally and emotionally-driven strokes of paint and charcoal which are applied conciously in order to ignite ones true and explicit feelings within the form of an artwork.