This first artwork represents the stage of childhood. it depicts two children on a swing; living life without a care.
As you can see the geometrics and strokes of this artwork are more pulled back as this was done purposely in order to captivate an essence of a idyllic childish composition. the figure is slightly slanted to convey the non-serious nature of life as a child and the ways in which we are less stable as children and how we aren't as wise or mature when we are children.
however, the squared shape towards the bottom left of the artwork represents the formulation of ones self as a child. it shows the ways in which we slowly but eminently develop through our childhood.
this second artwork represents the adolescence stage of life. as you can see, this image has been constructed to resonate with a formulating structure. the figure seems to be in the process of configuration as it starts to stabilise itself upon its own two legs. it has drastically transformed based on the experiences and knowledge gathered throughout life.
it is also noticeable that the grayish background of this artwork is a lot lighter compared to the previous 'childhood' image. this has been done in order to show that at this stage in life we have more responsibilities and are therefore we are more pressured to behave in a certain way. it is also a kind of testament towards the ways in which we lose a sense of self as we mature due to the fact that we are more inclined to act to certain standards and follow particular directions.
this third artwork represents the stage of adulthood. it is a lot more constructed as its lines are more definite and specific. the lines are straighter and less detailed compared to the previous two images. this is to convey the fact that as adults we are more monotonous. we live to a set standard and therefore lose life in the process. at this stage we are more like robots and therefore are consumed and confined by generalised perspectives.
the plain white background suggests the loss of our uniqueness and our self. we are now more defined as people and are kind of obliged to react with more synchronicity to other people.