In the recent weeks i have constantly contemplated over various ideas for my BOW. It has taken a long time to decide but i have realised that even though i would like to take on an installation project, it isnt really my strongest point (i haven't really experienced it before). I got advice from various artists and various people who work in the art industry (including those from my artsidein mentorship) and i have realised that most of them had said to "go by what you know". They basically implied that it was best to do something that you feel most comfortable with and something which you know you are good at. So because of this, and due to an overflow of other, more interesting ideas, i have decided to regain my focus on something more practical, something in which i know i will be able to acomplish at a higher level, something which will assure me a successful HSC. Over the years i have realised that i mostly enjoy working with charcoal and paints more than other mediums. I also want to try and work with other mediums in conjunction such as photography or even video. I could even capture a small installation piece on video to further exemplify my artwork to make my message more clearer and also to further validate and extend my body of work.
Through reading various novels and watching many films over the duration of the holidays, i have succumbed to various ideas which have caught my interest. I want to depict a person's journey through life. Kind of like a "memoir" or "diary of events" that have accumulated along the years that have ideally made what that person is today. I want to especially depict a girl who is struggling with life and the ways she goes about to change things to alleviate her problems. I want to demonstrate the way she percieves life through her eyes, even though it may not always be the most typically accepted perception. I want to illustrate her life in simplistic images that accompany very explicit detail.
I want to encapsulate this mainly through the forms of multiple charcoal and painting works. However i will not limit myself from the wide variety of medium options. As i progress with my artworks, i may even try to use the implementation of photographs and even video to make the artwork more meaningful and realistic. I feel that the introduction of video - capturing a live installation - will apply more depth towards my overall concept and overall understanding of the message that i am trying to convey.
I want to document how everybody goes through different experiences within their lives and how some deaths can go unnoticed like a falling tree goes unheard within the forests. I want to document how individuals can percieve life differently compared to the one next to them. I want to really envoke emotion through my artwork to make a stance and portray meaning towards my audience. Ideally, i want to voice the heartache of many individuals within the world who suffer each and everyday and yet they constantly go unheard.
The following images have also inspired this idea: